Neurotransmitters: How to boost your mind… (Part 02)

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We saw in the previous article the role of neurotransmitters, now let’s see how we can boost them.

We’ve already looked at Mrs Dopamine, Mrs Noradrenaline, Mrs Serotonin and Mrs Melatonin, and at Mr GABA and the benefits of physionutrition, so let’s look at some other tips.

  • Chrononutrition
    It’s hard to say, but the French-style breakfast of baguette, butter and jam has it all wrong!
    We need to encourage the production of Dopamine in the first part of the day. So we eat a protein-rich diet in the morning (cheese, eggs, etc.) and at lunchtime (meat, fish, vegetable proteins).
    At the end of the day, on the other hand, we’re aiming for calm and serotonin production, so we’ll opt for carbohydrates (wholegrain cereals, soups, compotes, granola, porridges) and eat as varied and colorful a diet as possible.
  • Microbiota
    We pamper our microbiota because it determines our health and morale. How can we do this? We’ll talk about it in the next article, I promise 😉
  • Laugh
    We’re laughing!!! Yes, it’s not a joke! Surround yourself with funny people.
    Laughter not only boosts neurotransmitter production, it also promotes the release of endorphins, which are highly effective in relieving pain. Did you know? It’s even a therapy. Gelotherapy is the medical use of the properties of laughter.
    Listen to an example from a clinic in northern France https://www.elsan.care/fr/clinique-flandre/nos-actualites/la-gelotherapie-la-clinique-de-flandre-delta-fm
  • Physical activity
    Regular physical activity is truly a fountain of youth. We’ll be coming back to this subject regularly. Gardening, walking, running, swimming, hula hoop (tested and approved 😉 ), padel, aquagym, yoga, basketball, cyclingo…..You’ll understand this list is not exhaustive. Find the activity you enjoy the most and go for it…. and on a daily basis we try to be as active as possible.
  • Fill up on oxygen
    In nature, in a park, by the sea, in the mountains… Get some fresh air whenever you can, because we need oxygen to kick-start neurotransmitter production.
  • Brightness
    Take in the light, the sun’s rays. It’s essential for our well-being. It’s not for nothing that Blue Monday falls in the middle of January. Think of light therapy during the winter months when the gloom sets in. Lack of light affects the production of serotonin and melatonin. As a result, you feel less serene, more anxious, sleep less well and feel more tired. From the winter blues to seasonal depression, light therapy is a good option. It’s used for at least 20 minutes, usually in the morning. There are several products on the market, from classic lamps to more mobile models such as Lumie desklamp, medilight desk lamp. Another alternative that I find very practical is the Luminette lunette, which you can wear at breakfast, for example.

    • If you can go for a walk or a run in nature, you’ll tick three boxes at once! Or even 4, as it’s good for your microbiota 😉
    • And an extra box if you’ve had a laugh, or if your walking or running partner is funny!) 😊
  • Activities that refocus
    We practice activities that recharge our batteries such as meditation, cardiac coherence, breathing, yoga… These activities are often overlooked because they are rarely part of our upbringing or lifestyle. However, to try them is definitely to adopt them.
  • Detox
    We detoxify because our environment is loaded with toxins that are harmful to our bodies. (e.g. heavy metals: cigarette smoke contains cadmium, which interferes with dopamine production, and aluminium, which blocks serotonin). We’ll come back to this in another article on detox.
  • Limit consumption of stimulants (caffeine, alcohol…)
    So, on the terrace, grab yourself a smoothie and go for it! Once again, you’ve ticked several boxes
  • Try to limit the use of screens in the 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. If you have to work, or if you’re a student (or anyone else), think about anti-blue-light screens or glasses.
  • And of course, turn to a competent professional. Physiotherapy and phytotherapy are incredible mental boosters.

In short, to keep your spirits high, get moving, get some fresh air and light, breathe, learn to relax, focus on your diet, avoid screens in the evening and, above all, laugh !!!!. And if you need an extra boost, get professional help…

So, are you happy?

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