I’m sure you’re ALL wondering what this superpower is…
Indeed, this power is amazing and it’s turned my life around completely!
This superpower is calledepigenetics. What a barbaric name, isn’t it?
In fact, it’s simpler than it sounds.
DNA is found in the nucleus of our cells and is the general blueprint for the construction of everything our body needs (organs, muscles, skin, enzymes…..). As required, genes (small bits of DNA) are decoded to launch the necessary processes.
Epigenetics is the ability to modify gene expression without modifying DNA structure, thanks to or because of certain environmental factors.
In other words, we lock or unlock access to certain parts of the construction plan depending on our environment.
For those wondering how? There are 3 main processes to play with: an OFF switch (methylation reaction), an ON switch (acetylation reaction), and a third process via microRNA (which prevents mRNA from carrying the message to start manufacturing).
Before going any further :
- First a little flashback, to the early 2000s.
I was a student at the time, and genetics reigned supreme. The world of science was in turmoil. The decoding of DNA was coming to an end, and with it great medical hopes. Indeed, many medical breakthroughs had been made thanks to this work (known as gene therapies).
However, it was also a time when we had a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads. Everything was written in advance in our DNA… For those of you over 30, you may remember the film Welcome to Gattaca… Scary!
- But today, we’ve realized that nothing is inevitable and that we can influence the expression of our genes OURSELVES.
To shed some light on this, let’s illustrate epigenetics with an example:
Let’s take the case of bees: depending on whether you feed larvae with royal jelly or honey, you’ll get a queen or a worker: size is different and so is life expectancy (5 months versus 5 years).
For scientists, here’s a little explanation: royal jelly contains folates, a methylating agent that blocks (silences or switches off) the normal bee program, allowing expression of the morphological transformation gene.
(search link)
So even if you have unfavorable genes, you have a chance of reversing the trend.
On the other hand, I’m sorry to say, you can have great genes but have a bad lifestyle like soda, chips, sausage, TV… and develop a metabolic disease.
What’s more, alterations in a gene are passed down through 3 generations! In other words, the way you live will have repercussions on the health of your grandchildren.
The good news is that it’s reversible!
In practical terms, how can we influence our genes?
By doing small, simple things on a daily basis: regular physical activity, breathing well (you can learn to breathe well), a healthy, varied diet, better stress management (cardiac coherence), being well surrounded socially, enjoying yourself regularly, laughing. And also, through micronutrition, plants, and a multitude of other methods that I’d be delighted to help you discover and share with you.
So, are you ready to become the best version of yourself?
Sandra (by ?) BYH
Want to know more? A small selection of books:
- The impact of emotions on DNA (Nathalie Zammateo)
- The impact of behavior on DNA (Marie Botman – Nathalie Zammateo)
- The symphony of life (Joel de Rosnay)
- The epigenetic revolution (Joel de Rosnay-Dean Ornsih-Claudine Junien-David Khayat-Pierre-Henri Gouyon)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-nBT6U9Qpo Joel de Rosnay
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9o8yx9ViZM Stress and epigenetics